August 20-Friendly Forester precedes cosmic loneliness

Miles Hiked: 12.19  Total: 205.26
Elevation Gain: 3620 ft

Trail leading up to Forester Pass
“Then it seemed to me the Sierra should be called, not the Nevada or Snowy Range, but the Range of Light.” ~John Muir

We began the 7 mile climb to Forester Pass early the next morning – had to have another hot chocolate to warm my frozen fingers, a common condition, particularly when I dipped my hands into the crisp, cold streams.

We met and hiked with Sondra as far as the “12.2” lake below the pass. She was a bit frustrated with her group, who she had agreed to reconnect with at the lake. They wanted to limit their hiking to around 8 miles per day, and Sondra preferred twice that, so she would regularly hike ahead and wait for them. Christi and I felt fortunate that we only had to negotiate the day’s hiking pace with each other and had been remarkably in agreement most every day.

Snow field leading to top of Forester Pass
Although the highest pass – 13,200 feet – Forester was pretty easy. The approach was slow and well graded, the switchbacks well engineered. There was a long, steep snowfield at the top, but it was well traveled and sufficiently soft by the time we hit it mid-day. It was windy as hell on top, so we didn’t linger too long, just enough to grab some photos, and enjoy some water and gorp.

The descent to our next camp just beyond Shepard Pass Trail junction was slow, long and mostly dry and desolate. My feet were much, much better, but by late afternoon, I was having feelings of “cosmic loneliness,” which I get those late afternoons whenever I feel a sense of loss and sun is waning. I was feeling sad that we were almost at the end of a very beautiful wilderness experience, although admittedly looking forward to fresh food, a hot shower, clean bed, etc.

The views, THE VIEWS!  Wow!  It just keeps getting better!  Forester Pass wasn't such a bad guy after all.  It gets much of the publicity for being tough but I think it's because it's so high.  Though there was snow near the top of the pass and it was steep, it wasn't too tough.  I'm feeling like a real Pro at this pass climbing now.  It feels really good to be here and now my attention turns to Mt. Whitney.

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