August 9-Fatigue sets in

Miles Hiked: 11.8  Total: 54.59
Elevation Gain: 1756 ft

"None of Nature's landscapes are ugly so long as they are wild." ~John Muir


After a good night’s sleep, we awoke refreshed and marveled at the beauty of scenery as we stepped out of the tent into the rising sun. Had lunch at Thousand Island Lake and took in the magnificent views of the mountains surrounding it. The hot sun and the ascent and descent of Island Pass began to wear us out and we pulled into a camp spot near Shadow Creek and the Ediza Lake trail around 4 PM. The scenery still inspired us, the weather was fantastic and that fresh, cold high Sierra water tasted so damn good. But I was still thirsty, often drinking nearly a liter of water each night. For whatever reason, I felt nauseated as I fell asleep but slept like a baby all night.


The beauty of this place continually astounds me.  Each day is filled with gorgeous vistas, mountains, lakes, streams,  and flowers.  We slept well the night before...exhausted from the previous day's adventure over Donohue Pass.  Refreshed and ready to get on the trail, we head to Island Pass, which is a small-ish pass. Thousand Island Lake was stunning.  We could have stayed there all day but we knew we had some miles to cover to stay on schedule so we ate a leisurely lunch and headed down the trail.   We took it easy today, though the sun is wearing on is and by the time we stop, we are beat and quickly eat and fall into bed before 7 PM.  Each day I think I'm going to be stronger than the mountain but each day, she kicks my butt.  More lessons to learn await!

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