August 16-A day of 'relative' rest

Miles Hiked: 12.23  Total: 152.80
Elevation Gain: 1509 ft

Knowing we didn’t want to tackle the steep Golden Staircase and Mather Pass late in the day, we coasted down into Le Conte Canyon enjoying the once again stunning scenery (and that damn tasty cold water) throughout the morning and mid-day, then started back up, reaching Deer Meadow mid-afternoon. We set up camp there fairly near the trail, availed ourselves of the Palisade Creek “laundromat/bathing facility” nearby and enjoyed a leisurely dinner.

Le Conte Canyon looking toward Mather Pass
For the first and only time, a ranger happened by and asked to see our wilderness permit.  She was apparently new to the area, having come up out of Cedar Grove and heading northbound over Muir Pass. She said it was her first time on the trail, prompting me to conclude that new rangers get assigned to do back country patrols as a way of familiarizing themselves with the area.

Before we turned in, Karen and her “kids” happened by once again.  That night I wrote in my journal that I was certain we’d be seeing them on Mt. Whitney.

1 comment:

  1. I was damn close to you guys on this day. I came over Mather Pass heading Northbound early on the 16th then camped at Le Conte Canyon near the Ranger Station. Muir Pass had a lot of snow this year! Hope you had a nice trip
