August 11-Burning energy

Miles Hiked: 16.35  Total: 81.14
Elevation Gain: 4396

"Nowhere will you see the majestic operations of Nature more clearly revealed beside the frailest, most gentle and peaceful things." ~John Muir

Fortified with a real meal and good night’s rest the night before, we bought some Gatorade and potato chips at the RM Store and hit the trail shortly after 7 AM.

Looking back on Donohue Pass
Reflecting on Ray and family’s generosity, Christi remarked that the First Nation folks we had met since beginning the trail (we'd met another family at Tuolomne Meadows campground earlier) were always particularly generous and kind.

We felt good, the morning air was cool and the scenery, as always, stunning. We wanted to push on to stage ourselves for Silver Pass the next day, continuing for 16.35 miles and climbing 4,396 feet, our biggest day thus far.

We took frequent water breaks to gulp that tasty high Sierra water, meeting “Wrong Way” and “Crybaby” at one of them late morning.  These were a couple “old” guys – younger than me but I didn’t let on and let them call us “The Youngsters” – from Orange County who had an awful lot to say about most anything. OK, I admit it, their constant babble did give us a bit of energy to keep moving!

We camped at Lake Virginia, buggy but very beautiful. It was a long day, my feet hurt and my  back ached, but I was able to “bathe” in one of the inlet streams just before crawling into my sleeping bag.  As my journal noted “For once, will not go to bed sticky.”

OMG! This day was interminable! We must have climbed 3000 feet today (Note the actual elevation gain above!)!  I think we hiked over 16 miles. Whew.

We are truly beat but have found a glorious location to setup camp at the north end of Lake Virginia, a stunning lake surrounded by mountains all reflecting into its pristine water.

Foot care is important!  Fresh socks!
Near our campsite was a fresh water sources so we filled our bottles with yummy mountain water. No treatment necessary!

We were late to camp so rushed through dinner and laundry and even fit in a "bath" in the nearby stream....brrrrrr. Lake Virginia is at 10,170 feet so when the sun went down it was really chilly, particularly after a cold stream bath!

Nackered and fed, we were ready to jump into our warm bags and get some rest. What a day! Tomorrow is Silver Pass.

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